ADF Model Generating and using ‘in’ clause in VO sql statement

We know how to create view criteria declartively, execute it programatically and use the query results as needed. But, creating a view criteria that uses ‘in’ clause is not possible declaratively. So, here we’ll see how to form a query criteria that uses ‘in’ clause and also meets the performance standards.

Here, we’ll see how to to form a query statement to use list of values using SQL ‘in’ clause.

Requirement: For example, we have a list of employee nos and we need to form an SQL like ‘select * from emp where empno in (empno1, empno2, empno3, and so on)’. Here, we should be able to form a query that can accept ‘n’ (where ‘n’ can be dynamic) no. of employee nos and use bind variables instead of hard coded the query.

Solution: We don’t have declarative way of forming query using ‘in’ clause. So, we have to do it programatically.

For e.g., if the Empno list has 4 employee ids, we have to form the query like

select * from emp where empno in (:empno1,:empno2,:empno3,:empno4)


select * from emp where empno in (:1,:2,:3,:4)

In the above SQL stmts, the first one uses the named bind parameters while the second one uses positional parameters.

To achieve the above requirement, generate the ‘in’ clause programatically using the following methods.

Forming ‘in’ clause with named bind parameters:

private String getInClauseWithParamNames(List ids) {
    //logic to form the in clause with multiple bind variables
    StringBuffer inClause = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 1; i < ids.size() + 1; i++) {
        inClause.append(":empno" + (i));
        if (i < ids.size()) {
    return inClause.toString();

Forming ‘in’ clause with positional bind parameters:

private String getInClause(List ids) {
    //logic to form the in clause with multiple bind variables
    StringBuffer inClause = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 1; i < ids.size() + 1; i++) {
        inClause.append(":" + (i));
        if (i < ids.size()) {
    return inClause.toString();

Use the generated ‘in’ clause with dynamic bind variables in the SQL stment and set the where clause programatically with vo.setWhereClause() method. Now, pass values for the bind variables progamatically and execute the query. Sample code is given below:

Using ‘in’ clause with named bind parameters:

public Row[] getEmployees1(List empIds) {
    ViewObjectImpl empVO = this.getEmpVO();
    String inClause = getInClauseWithParamNames(empIds);
    //setting the where cluase to use the generated in clause
    empVO.setWhereClause("EmpEO.EMPNO in (" + inClause + ")");
    //clearing all existing where clause params if any
    //setting values for all bind variables one by one in the in clause
    for (int i = 0; i < empIds.size(); i++) {
        //defining the named bind variables programatically
        empVO.defineNamedWhereClauseParam("empno" + (i + 1), null, null);
        //setting the value for each named bind variable
        empVO.setNamedWhereClauseParam("empno" + (i + 1), empIds.get(i));
    //executing the query
    //returning the rows from query result
    return empVO.getAllRowsInRange();

Using ‘in’ clause with positional bind parameters:

public Row[] getEmployees(List empIds) {
    ViewObjectImpl empVO = this.getEmpVO();
    String inClause = getInClause(empIds);
    //setting the where cluase to use the generated in clause
    empVO.setWhereClause("EmpEO.EMPNO in (" + inClause + ")");
    //clearing all existing where clause params if any
    //setting values for all bind variables one by one in the in clause
    for (int i = 0; i < empIds.size(); i++) {
        //setting the value for each positional bind variable
        empVO.setWhereClauseParam(i, empIds.get(i));
    //executing the query
    //returning the resultant rows
    return empVO.getAllRowsInRange();

Sample method that forms list of empnos, calls the above methods, gets the required results and prints the results:

public void sampleMethod() {
    //Forming a list of employee ids
    List<Long> empIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
    empIds.add(new Long(7499));
    empIds.add(new Long(7521));
    empIds.add(new Long(7566));
    empIds.add(new Long(7654));
    empIds.add(new Long(7698));
    empIds.add(new Long(7788));

    //Get employee rows from list of empIds
    //1. Using positional parameters
    //Row[] empRows = getEmployees(empIds);
    //2. Using named bind parameters
    Row[] empRows = getEmployees1(empIds);

    //iterating through the employee rows and printing the emp name
    for (int i = 0; i < empRows.length; i++) {
        Row empRow = empRows[i];
        System.out.println("Emp Name " + (i + 1) + ": " +

The above code is self-explanatory. You can download the sample application from here. Once downloaded, run/debug the DemoAM and execute the sampleMethod.
